Connect with social accounts

To generate your personal token, you need to verify
yourself with at least 3 sources
including MetaMask. First you need to choose one of
the social media sources
(Facebook, LinkedIn, Google, Twitter).
Choose verification
Basic Data

Your token will be named according to the pattern: "first name last name", e.g. "John Smith".

Token data
Generate token

Now the MetaMask
window should open, click "Confirm".
If the window does not open,
click on the orange fox icon
in the upper
right corner of your browser.
About Us
Personal Tokens is a platform where you can easily verify and tokenize yourself. We are building an infrastructure for the new emerging economy based on privately issued tokens backed with real people. We are aiming to build as robust and as decentralized platform as possible. Our goal is to deliver as many tools as tokenized people need and to make the token economy as cheap as we possibly can.